Creer los diseños


Carolyn Kerchof came to a community stitching session at the Museum of Boulder in 2020. She wrote a book about both her experience during COVID, and interviewed others through her project “Boulder Covid Stories,” a book she self-published (cover pictured here). She started a block, but life circumstances prevented her from finishing it. Utilizing both excerpts from her writing, the design and layout of the book (collages by Jessica Moon Bernstein), and additional details shared via conversations, I (Heather) created a design to complete her block. The beginning sketch and resulting pattern is pictured above. Click over to the ‘Volunteer to stitch’ page to see her block, stitched by my mother.

You can sign up to participate via this google form or email your interest via our contact form.

If you would like another option, get in touch via email to discuss.

La creatividad es muy importante

La pandemia de COVID-19 nos ha afectado a todos de alguna manera, y estamos trabajando en nuestro proyecto para garantizar que aquellos que más han sufrido sean el centro de nuestros esfuerzos para contar historias sobre ese momento.

We are collecting stories from folks who are unable to stitch, and we need YOU to translate these into images. You can collaborate with storytellers directly, or work with their shared content (could be audio, writing, photos, etc.). Your design will be approved by the storyteller. Once the design is finalized, it will be handed off to one of our volunteers to stitch.

Tu privacidad siempre será respetada; puedes permanecer en el anonimato, elimi- nar la participación de tu historia en cualquier momento y aprobarás el diseño final.

Muchas gracias a la City of Boulder por sus financión, los participantes que vivir en Boulder reciben una tarjeta de regalo VISA de $50 para cada diseño. This is intended to support the time of folks who have lost income, financial resources, or other types of financial support during the pandemic. You are welcome to create more than one design.

Conoce a personas que deseen participar?  Descargue un volante de información abajo